Monday, May 17, 2010

Tell it like it is.


I have been meaning to write a blog for a long time, but the time is now ripe and I am pressed to do so with such urgency even as we come to the close of another National Nutrition Month (2010)... The face of feeding our families and school lunches is taking on a new persona and our First Lady Michelle Obama is at the helm of getting the attention of the family, the educational institutions and even the big food manufacturers. OBESITY has spoken! and the numbers speak for themselves...that our children are in danger of shorter lifespans that thier parents, if they are not given healthier foods to eat... at home, at school and in our communities.
When our company started 4 years ago, as a result of a crisis of my own, I had only hoped and prayed that there would be such a movement to revamp the kinds of foods that are passed off as "OK" for our children, so at 5 am on March 29th, I feel a sense of relief and have renewed hope that our nation is waking up to the mission that we have embraced since 2006, to make healthy food available, accessible and fun for our children to eat... YEAH AMERICA!! Thanks to so many who have blazed the trails, who stood up to the food giants and the school lunch militia...I am speaking of the likes of Chef Ann Cooper, the renegade lunch lady! and thanks to all the lunch ladies across the country who had been silently praying for deliverance for our children from food they will not eat themselves nor give to thier own children... Its a great day to be alive in America!
Walk good. Cook, Eat, Live Well!


(founder of Love Your Fruits and Vegetables)

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