Friday, July 2, 2010



It’s Friday - what better way to celebrate than with pizza? The chefs prepared personal pizzas from scratch with their choice of toppings and fresh home-made sauce.

But before they got to the kitchen, they headed to the garden with Coach Sharon. They watered their growing plants and added newspaper and mulch to help prevent weeds from taking over their garden.

After a lunchtime break it was back to work for a Food Challenge. The chefs were broken up into teams and had to prepare a side dish to make for their fellow chefs and coaches using assigned ingredients. The challenge dishes were absolutely delicious! The chefs made, Burritos with Kissy Face Salsa, Rainbow Bruschetta and Apple Tarts. The Burritos won the challenge with the other dishes not far behind. Great job chefs!

It was a great first week of camp - thanks to all the chefs for sharing yourselves with us!

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!

Bonus time - Chef Oni showing off "Pineapple under the Sea".

Apple tarts - gorgeous presentation chefs!

Yummy Rainbow Bruschetta!

Bean Burritos with Kissy face salsa - our challenge winner!

The team show off their burritos!

Apple tart team - Maddie, Sophie, Asia and their helper, Kai

Chefs Oni and Niya ready to serve their Rainbow Bruschetta....sooooo good!

A finished pizza!

The chefs making their pizzas!

Chefs Maddie and Asia getting their dough ready for the pizza.

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