Thursday, July 1, 2010



The kitchen has been transformed into a poultry palace today. The chefs were busy making lemon chicken, chicken fingers and stuffed Cornish hens for dinner. They learned how to saute the chicken first and then bake instead of frying for a healthier alternative. Of course all the chefs also learned the importance of washing hands, surfaces and utensils to avoid contamination. The chefs also prepared a watercress and carrot salad for lunch and corn muffins and fruit kabobs for dinner!

The chefs led the morning yoga routine, taking turns with different poses. Later Chef Oni was kind enough to bring in water balloons and she led a fun game of water balloon toss! Thanks Oni!

A new chef joined our crew today, meet Chef Kai!

Chef Kai is a very athletic 10-year old - naturally in his spare time he enjoys playing sports. Kai wants to channel his athletic ability into a professional career as an athlete. GO KAI!

In the kitchen it's all chicken for Kai, it is his favorite thing to make and to eat. Besides chicken, Kai likes dogs - but to play with, not to eat :)

Chef Sophie hard at work juicing carrots.....YUM!

Oni's balloon toss.

Chef Kai and his chicken!

The rest of the crew and their chicken friends.

A pretty fruit bowl....extra points for pretty presentation!

The chefs and the fruit kabobs.

Chef Oni and Chef Niya using the melon baller.

The chefs hard at work preparing the fruit for their dinner.

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